jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Present perfect- past Perfect. presente y pasado perfecto

República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el de la Educación
Liceo Nacional Bolivariano “Miguel José Sanz”
asignatura: Ingles

Tiempos verbales: Present prefect, past perfect and future perfect.

Presente perfecto:

Sujeto + have/has + Participio pasado + C.        Ejem.You have worked.
Sujeto + have/has +not + Participio pasado + C. 
Ejm. You have not (You haven't )worked.
Have/has+ Sujeto+ Participio pasado + C. +?            Ejem.  Have you worked?
Pasado perfecto:

Sujeto + had + Participio pasado + C.       
    Ejem. They had gone home.
Sujeto + had +not + Participio pasado + C.  
 Ejem. They had not gone home.
had + Sujeto+ Participio pasado + C. +?          
 Ejem.  Had they gone home?
Futuro  perfecto:

Sujeto + will have + Participio pasado + C.      
     Ejem. They will have gone home.
Sujeto + won’t (wont  have) +Participio pasado+ C.   
Ejem. They had won t have gone home.
will + Sujeto+ have + Participio pasado + C. +?  
     Ejem.  will have they gone home?


I. - Fill in the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect and Past Perfect.
Example: I ___________ my father's car. (to wash) Answer: I have washed my father's car.
1.Dave and Pat __________________________the museum. (to visit)
2. Karen________________________________ an e-mail. (to send)
3. I __________________________________at the pet shop. (to be)
4. Markus _____________________________an accident. (to have)
5. We ___________________________the shopping for our grandma. (to do)
6. I___________________________________________ my bike. (to clean)          

7. Emily___________________________________ her room. (to paint)
8. Lisa and Colin__________________________________ to a concert. (to go)
9. My friends____________________________________ smoking. (to give up)
 II. Write sentences in Present Perfect, Past Perfect and Future Perfect in affirmative, negative and interrogative form using the verbs in parenthesis.

Alice has showed her hat.
Alice has not showed her hat.
Has Alice showed her hat?

a)      Sofie (study) so hard for the final exam.
b)      We (write) a lot of beautiful poems.
c)      Margaret (travel) to Italy.
d)      I (go) to the cinema.
e)      They (bring) a lovely dog.
f)       Sam (arrive) late to work.
g)      Mark (visit) wonderful cities in Europe.
h)      My mother (make) a nice dress for my sister.
i)        Clare (invite) her boyfriend to the wedding.
j)        Lia (want) to work in the fashion industry.

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